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- NazCron - Version 1.0
- ---------------------
- Copyright (c) 1989 by Don Nafis & Nazlo Associates Ltd. All rights reserved.
- NazCron provides timed command processing similar to the Unix Cron command
- and the Amiga AmiCron command. As with these programs, NazCron reads events
- from an ASCII text file and, when the indicated time is reached, executes the
- program whose name and parameters you have supplied.
- Unlike these other Cron programs, NazCron allows for extensive manipulation
- of the events and most of the program functions through ARexx. You may add,
- delete and display events using the ARexx language and you can use ARexx to
- control file and event processing.
- You do NOT, however, need ARexx to run NazCron. Without ARexx, NazCron is
- still a full featured Cron program. NazCron reads and processes the same
- event file format as AmiCron but detaches itself from the CLI, executes more
- efficiently and uses less memory.
- Distribution files:
- Read-Me - This file.
- NazCron.doc - Full documentation in printable form.
- To print, just execute the following from the CLI:
- copy NazCron.doc to prt:<cr>
- You may read this on your screen with the CLI TYPE
- command or any other text reader, but the file contains
- embedded printer control characters which may make it
- difficult to read. If this bothers you, you should be
- able to remove the characters with a text editor prior
- to viewing on your screen. You should find it easier,
- though, to work from a printed copy.
- NazCron - The NazCron program. For best results, copy this to
- your C: directory, or make sure that it is available
- in a path accessible to ARexx.
- NazCron.info - Icon for NazCron. NazCron can be started from the
- Workbench. To do so, you must copy this file and the
- program file (NazCron) to the same directory, one which
- is a Workbench drawer. Open the drawer and double click
- on the NazCron icon and NazCron will swing into action.
- NCStart.rexx - Sample ARexx script. This script suggests a method
- of starting NazCron that uses the least amount of
- your Amiga's resources.
- NC.rexx - Sample ARexx script. A general purpose script that
- enables you to send commands to NazCron directly from
- the CLI.
- NCAdd.rexx - Sample ARexx script. Adds events to the NazCron event
- list from a CRONTAB formatted file.
- NCShow.rexx - Sample ARexx script. Complete display of all active
- NazCron named events.
- CRONTAB - Sample Crontab file. This is useless as a CRONTAB file
- but shows examples of various combinations of parameters.
- NazCron may be copied and freely distributed for personal use.
- NazCron is shareware, user-supported software. If you like NazCron and
- continue to use it after a trial period, please send the $10 shareware fee to
- the address listed below and become a registered user. As a registered user,
- you will be assured of timely information on upgrades, you will be given
- membership in the support section of our BBS, Viva! Amiga!, and you will feel
- good about contributing to the development of new utility programs for the
- Amiga. By supporting all shareware authors, you will be in the driver's seat
- when it comes to deciding where future Amiga programs will be going; you will
- have a loud voice when we programmers are trying to hear what Amiga owners
- want to see in programs of the future.
- Send your check for $10.00 to
- Don Nafis
- Nazlo Associates Ltd.
- P.O. Box 1515
- Laurel Springs, NJ 08021
- Please make your check payable to "Nazlo Associates Ltd.".
- Commercial vendors may distribute NazCron with their products as long as they
- distribute all files provided here and make it clear that NazCron is
- shareware. Before distributing NazCron with your package, you must send for
- written permission. This way I can make sure that you will be distributing
- the latest version.
- If you find this program lacking in any way and thus choose not to register,
- I would like to hear your suggestions or complaints. Please contact me at
- one of the following and give me a piece of your mind:
- Nazlo Associates Ltd.
- P.O. Box 1515
- Laurel Springs, NJ 08021
- (609) 228-8088 Voice
- (609) 227-8278 BBS -
- Viva! Amiga!
- 3/12/24 - 8/N/1 - 24 hours
- 130 Megabytes Online
- Compuserve 70656, 133
- Thank you.
- Don Nafis